
Electric wire rope hoist gearbox how two maintenance

   Electric hoist maintenance work is essential, not only affect the next time you use the device, but also the life of the equipment a great impact on the overall maintenance of the front hoist articles we have been described in detail today to introduce you to the  rope hoist  the main parts gearbox how two maintenance?

Check the hoist gearbox oil quality meets the requirements, to meet the requirements let go hoist gear box oil,chainb lock clean inside with no impurities, and sucked out with a magnet iron, clean electric hoist gear box precipitation, does not meet the requirements should be electric hoist with gear box oil change gears shall Wu badly worn thin wounds and cracks, such as those found in one of the above should be replaced.
Electric hoist gearbox bearings shall Wu along shaft wear, radial clearance to meet the requirements, meet the requirements of sand home intact seals replacement electric hoist, electric hoist gearbox gasket around the middle rotary tooth loosening. Electric Wire rope hoist  serious damage seals, gaskets should even be replaced without loosening the fastening bolts.
Electric hoist maintenance work to do to ensure the equipment and personal safety, improve efficiency and ensure safety in production is our common goal.

