
Hanging electric hoist the main rail channel

    The universal application of  rope hoist ,  hoist itself makes people understand. But perhaps hoist framework channel, it sounds very strange, but the main track channel is hanging electric hoist important accessory essential to the process, one of the following main rail channel knowledge to do the following description, for your reference:
         Hanging  Wire rope hoist  lifting beam carrying member end multi GB707 hot rolled channel is also used to take the station bearing support member and a variety of other non-weight bearing member. The GB706 rolled steel I-beam cranes were widely used in the main components of the main weight-bearing beams. Combined with steel and steel I-beam which can be a variety of main beam welding, the electric hoist hanging below the main beam-beam for the job.
         Special attention is required, do not light beam used for electric hoist crane girders or run track, because of its thin and wide flange, its strength unbearable wheel pressure, easily lead to derailment hoist falling accidents. Therefore GB706 general hot-rolled I-beam is the preferred electric hoist crane, also widely used in addition beam hanging rail and electric hanging overhead lifting equipment running track.

