
What is not lifting crane ten

What is not lifting crane ten

Hoist equipment industry has such a statement, is "not hanging crane ten," and what is not hanging crane ten yet.
  1, overloading or hanging objects far no weight lifting;
2, the command signal is not clear without hanging;
3, tied up, hanging strong or imbalance may cause sliding without hanging;
4, the hanging objects floating on someone or compartment when not hanging;
5, the structure or components affecting safety defect or damage is not suspended;
6, in case of tension unclear embedded object is not hanging;
7, workplaces of  the Hoist and trolley dark, unable to see the venue, hanging objects and command signals are not hanging;
8, was hanging objects rope tied between the edges and corners and not padded without hanging;
9, oblique hanging crooked pull heavy objects without hanging;
10, the contents of the container is not overfilled hanging items.

