
Seven lever hoist maintenance tips

Seven lever hoist maintenance tips, extending its life
1, finished with chain hoists cleaned, coated with anti-rust oil, stored in a dry place.
2,  lever hoist  brake friction surfaces must be kept clean, pay attention to check, to prevent unnecessary losses caused by brake failure.
3 year deal at least four times a gourd maintenance treatment, such as diesel cleaning parts, and calcium-based grease lubrication.
4, each job is completed, we must first wipe the loose end of the wire rope  on the adhesion of mud, dust or grease, loosen the jaw, out of wire rope, wire rope sequence will gather around the shelves, and wipe the length of wire rope, wire rope stored in dry place to prevent corrosion.
5, when the internal movement poured into the mud, cement or other dirt, rinse with water, then clean diesel; cleaning, dry calcium-based grease on the grease; finally release the jaws, wipe with a clean cotton upper jaw grease moisture.
6, when the jaws wear, carrying capacity is less than 80% of rated load, replace the jaw; when the rope diameter reduced by 10%, the rope should be replaced.
lever hoist  inspection overhaul after cleaning, and heavy-load test should be carried out to confirm working, automatic and reliable in order to rendezvous with. Brake friction surfaces must be kept clean, non-contaminated sewage sludge.

