
Electric hoist circuit speed control method

Generally speaking hoist winding main flux change the basic price adjustment, by the conversion of electric shock and switches with no pre-conceived with good hungry winding no connection with the beginning, being  Wire rope hoist  through the beginning of internal transformation, increase or reduce the main winding turns, and then change the winding terminal voltage and DC to reach conditioning task main flux, the speed change means. Other facilities at this price adjustment form without adjuvant, is by far the most economic price adjustment path is broadly used in electrical materials price adjustment.
         There shunt resistance is the price adjustment path, its mandate form similar to the above principle, which is being hoist winding which is connected in parallel with the internal resistance starts, it really is only a strong core coil inductance, the same is the result of conversion switches, there will be no resistance with the number of turns of the coil windings in parallel with the  rope hoist  to change path inductance values.

